【珍妮佛勞倫斯送給女孩的12個智慧:成功,不代表你從此就可以少努力一些,或是對別人很隨便!】 | 美麗夢想 | Dr. Selena


25歲珍妮佛勞倫斯2度封后, 成功再以《翻轉幸福》奪下第73屆金球獎音樂或喜劇類最佳女主角。珍妮佛在該片首度挑戰單親媽媽的角色,雖無傲人的學歷、家世背景, 跟老公離婚後一個人獨立辛苦撫養子女,但她不放棄自己的人生, 靠創意巧思打造全世界第一支魔術拖把, 開啟了女性創業成功之路。珍妮佛多變的演技實力,如實演出為母則強的艱辛人生, 獲得評審極高的評價。

我們除了愛珍妮佛勞倫斯 (Jennifer Lawrence)令人精湛的演技,更愛她的自然不做作、風趣幽默,不像一般好萊塢女星那樣高不可攀或遙不可及,特別的是身為一個女演員她的身材有點肉肉,並對此感到自信的她,曾說過”我不會為了變瘦,而讓我自己餓肚子!我不想要讓小女孩在看了飢餓遊戲後,為了變得像凱妮絲,而不吃晚餐了!”, 這些直白的言論總讓我們覺得她很真、很可愛!比起每天減肥瘦身的紙片人名模們,  她自信的並接受自己的樣子,比起不健康的骨感,似乎她更有獨特的魅力!


「 從出道以來,從沒想過我會失敗這件事! 」
Even as far back as when I started acting at 14, I know I've never considered failure.

「 成功,不代表你從此就可以少努力一些,或是對別人很隨便! 」
Success doesn't mean that you're allowed to work less and treat people like shit.

「 生活中,常常會發生讓人難以忍受的壞事,但有些壞事,換個角度想就能一笑置之。即使生活再苦,依然會有能讓人笑出來的事。生活中不會沒有讓人開心的事,這就是人生。 」
In real life, bad things happen and they're notfunny, and then bad things happen and they can be funny.
You're unhappy you don't go an entire time without laughing. You don't go your whole life withoutlaughing. It's just life.

「 我們無法讓壞事不發生,卻能努力讓它不影響我們! 」
Things can happen to you, but they don't have to happen to your soul.

「 再怎麼累,我還是會規定自己一個星期至少跟姊妹們吃一次飯,否則我的人生只有工作! 」
As tired as I am, I force myself to get dinner at least once a week with my 
girlfriends. Or have asleepover. Otherwise my life is just work.

「 我想要的感情只是,有人可以陪陪我,一起看個電視。 」
All I need in a relationship is somebody to watch tv with.

「 女生們看太多她們不可能擁有的身材,卻拼了命的想模仿!讓自己看起來健康會是更棒的! 」
Girls see enough of this body that we cant't imitate, that we'll never be able
to obtain. It's better to look strong and healthy.

「 你就是你,不要因此感到煩惱!不然你想怎麼做?每天餓肚子?好讓其他人看了開心?別傻了! 」
You look how you look. Be comfortable. What are you going to do?Be hungry every single day to make people happy?That's just dumb.

「 我一直是這麼相信的,接受自己,不用煩惱或懷疑自己是不是沒那麼好。 」
I'm a big believer in accepting yourself and not really worrying about it.

「 和別人交談時,你一定不希望,最後他只記得你的大胸部,而不是你說了什麼! 」
If you're having conversations with people, you dont want them to remember you as the girl with the tits. You want them to pay attention to what you're saying.

「 當個堅強、有智慧的女孩,別當盲目的追隨者!做對的選擇,永遠要做對的事! 」
Be strong. Don't be a follower, and always do the right thing. If you have a choice between the right thing and the wrong thing, the right way is always the less stressful.

「如果你沒有人照顧你,有兩條路可以走: 要嘛你就為所欲為,要嘛就自己照顧自己。」
When you don’t have anybody to take care of you, then you could go both ways: You could do whatever you want, or you could take charge and be your own parent.    
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